I feel like I’ve reached the first project milestone! I have finally had an appointment with the Surgeon and have just received my ‘Pre Op’ date to have my second hip done. The bad news is that the waiting time is currently about 5 months, but the good news is that I have volunteered to go on the cancellations list so just might get it done sooner. I’m a ‘glass half’ full kind of a guy!
I need to get this out of the way and be fully recovered / rehabilitated (if that’s the right word) before even thinking about overlanding / off-roading, especially in Africa. I recovered pretty quickly the last time and fingers crossed don’t anticipate any problems but it would be crazy to rush away and risk infection or having a problem in a part of the world where medical care is perhaps, well ........ not the best. It took nearly a year before being completely pain free last time – not the joint pain, that had gone almost straight away. It was as if the surgeon had taken all the muscles out of my thigh, jumbled them up, tied them in knots and just rammed them randomly back in again. (Come to think of it, I was the last on the list that day……. maybe he was late for the pub?). It seemed to take ages for the muscles to sort themselves out and get themselves back in the right places again. Joking aside, I remain very grateful. The care and support I got last time (when I eventually got on the list) was first class.
I did briefly get my life back and we even managed to squeeze in some offshore sailing together until my other hip heard that his mate had got something he wanted and started to ‘complain’. It must be about two years now since I felt the first familiar ‘twinge’. i guess it’s the price to pay for doing silly things for Queen and Country in my ‘youth’. It’s just a bit shit getting older; my kids tell me I’m just fossilising!
I am very frustrated as I can’t work at the moment (requires travel to places not typically on the popular tourist destination list) so will spend some time trying to improve this website and make it more useful for all. In the mean time I continue to wobble slowly around walks on the beach with our two dogs yearning for the day we can leave to start our next adventure together, Tip Toe Overland. It just got one step closer today.
............ Travel safely!

I managed to beat Covid-19's arrival and had one of the last hip operations in Chichester before the wards were to be converted in preparation for the oncoming pandemic. I cannot tell you how different the operation was. Much better than last time and whilst its a bit uncomfortable, so far the pain is very manageable and I have much better mobility. As you can perhaps imagine the hospital was really in chaos with staff managing patients whilst training and reconfiguring parts of the hospital.
So I now start recuperation as international borders across the world have or are closing - not really a good time to be organising and promoting international overland travel! Hopefully a 'hiccup' and not catastrophe.…
Well ........... finally got the date for my hip replacement. 17th March - next week!! It will be good to get this behind me, on the road to fitness again and able to start planning Tip Toe in anger. It's not a moment too soon as it has become quite wearisome. Just hope its not too late to allow full recovery in time for a 2021 departure. Fingers crossed. Of course, I am now competing for a bed with 'Covid-19'. The hospital told me that if the infection rate picks up locally and they need the beds, then my surgery will be delayed; I'm hoping to slip in before this happens!
The final hurdle is complete! The Occupational Health (home risk assessment for post operation requirements) visit was completed this week! I don't have a date yet but have confirmed that I'm now on the cancellations list. Could be just 24 hours notice but I'm told that its still likely to be after New Year - apparently there is a long list. Wish they would hurry up - walking the dogs is becoming really difficult and I want to get my life back.
Another step closer today. Completed my Pre Op and attended 'Joint School' this week. My pre op 'shower gel' (Hibiscrub) is now on the shelf. Just got an Occupational Health visit to go to survey the house and provide the equipment required to make me self sufficient when I get home (1 to 3 days after the Op). I hopefully won't get sick on the bog this time (a story for another day)!! After that, will make my self available for any cancellations. A wee XMAS present from the NHS perhaps?!
Getting closer again........ Pre Op next week! Hope to get on the cancellations list.