Its easy to take for granted access to fresh clean drinking water in places like UK and Europe. Turn on the tap and out it comes. Climate change is driving an ever increasing shortage of this basic commodity, so essential to life. This is especially true in the developing world which, in the context of Tip Toe, is the African continent. In addition to challenges of access to clean drinking water, this has a major local environmental impact on the ability to irrigate and grow crops and can lead to regional desertification. In some places there is increasing competition for water between local farmers and roaming herders watering cattle and other animals. This competition sometimes leads to violence.
So what does this mean for the Overlander? There will be less water available to fill onboard tanks and it may be necessary to increase onboard water capacity to allow longer distances between fills. In extremis, it is even possible that onboard water could become attractive to the ill disposed and desperate measures to steal fresh water. Water is an increasingly scarce commodity, when in the bush / off road, be careful with the use of water and do not flaunt it. Take care in your choice of campsite. Only shower where there is definite access to supply. Be ready to implement rationing at short notice if the situation demands.
Where it is available, the quality of water may not be potable (that is good enough for drinking). When designing modern overland campers it is therefore increasingly important to ensure that water can be drawn from as many different sources as possible, including taps, standpipes, pools, rivers and lakes. This water will probably be untreated so the inclusion of multiple filters and UV or other treatment methods between the filling point and tank is required to ensure onboard water is at the very least fit for cooking (boiling), washing and showering and tanks remain clear of unwelcome sediments. Additional filters and secondary treatments may be required closer to the outlet to ensure water is drinkable. A modern well designed potable water system should negate or at least reduce the need to carry bottled water (cost and single use plastics!) although cartons are available in some places which are better.
Can anybody recommend a good low maintenance, cost effective water system supplier?
